Otherworldly Events, Pt. IV

It was morning. The sun rose up above the horizon and painted the sky blue like it did everyday.

Akasan, who was sleeping on the couch, opened his eyes. He blankly stared out in front of him as his body adjusted from its slumber. He stretched, letting out a short grunt, then cracked his neck to both sides. "I slept great." He sat up and looked around the room. "I'm glad that Ren is living so comfortably. She deserves it."

Akasan got up and looked at himself in the mirror. Checking his face, he realized that all of his facial hair was gone. "Huh… when'd that happen?" His head hair was almost at its normal length, just a tad longer than usual.

There was a brief knock at the door. "Akasan. Are you awake?"

"Yeah, I am now."

The door opened. It was Amaterasu. She closed it behind her. "I could sense your breathing."

"Oh… I didn't know you could do that."