Song of the Abyss

Akasan held onto the wall as he limped down long, dark, and wet corridors of sandstone. He stopped to cough up a few more drops of blood. "This can't happen to me… getting injured like this because of my own strength."

[ "Use my power Akasan! Let me heal you!" Reini exclaimed. ]

"No. Not this time. I can't be too dependent on you three. Especially since Vajra isn't compatible with your powers. I have to become deserving of them. I need to create a new ability."

[ "A new ability…?" she asked.]

"Yeah. One that trounces everything else I have, even Vajra."

[ Svala interrupted. "What could possibly do that?! Are you out of your mind?!" ]

"You'll see. There's nothing I can't do if I put my mind to it."

Akasan stopped. He caught his breath. "I feel it… the Seed of Life. It's warm." He let go of the wall and started running at a full sprint, stumbling every few steps.