For Old Time’s Sake

Dante's power surged.

Asherah clapped her hands. She vanished completely, nowhere to be found.

Asherah sped back in time, to a day when Dante was nothing but a defenseless infant. She appeared in front of him as he slept in a small crib all alone. "I've got you."

A hand reached out, transcending through space and time, grabbing Asherah by the neck and pulling her behind reality and back to the present day.

Dante held her up. "Are you an idiot?"

Black thorns shot up form underground and wrapped around his legs.

Dagda came running with blistering speed and slammed his hammer into Dante's body, sending him far off into the distance.

Gautama flew overhead. "John is here, I'm going to confront him."

Dagda saluted. "We've got this over here."

Gautama nodded.

Lucifer appeared behind Akiel. He put a hand on his son's shoulder. He smirked and whispered something in his ear.