Chapter 24

He was desperate to enjoy her humiliation, wasn't he? Well, he was in for a big surprise.

"So long as you don't expect me to touch you or tell me it is necessary to look at your face to make this a boy. I will be looking at the wall."

She hardly cared how unpleasant the words sounded. This nightmare that trapped her was endless. And she still had Thomas's disposal to consider.

Assuming an air of confidence, she grasped the hem of her nightdress. "Well?"

"Hang on a moment, sweetheart."

His astonishment didn't fool her. She waited while he fiddled with the buttons of his breeches. Yes, if he thought she couldn't do this, he was in for a shock. Not when she was the wind in full sail, to use a seagoing analogy. What did it matter how she got the heir, so long as she got the heir. As for enjoying it? Hardly.

"Just you tell me when you're ready, although I'm assuming that you are."