Chapter 28

Waiting upstairs for her answer? As Fury stood taut and motionless, watching him stride up the stairs two at a time, her mind screamed that would be when hell froze. The bastard had blackmailed her for nothing. She'd have dealt with Thomas and the cellar by now if he hadn't been constantly disrupting her life.

As for him bounding down the stairs to meet her just now? Did he think she couldn't see the hall wall behind him, he was that damned transparent? And when she'd still to sleep with him twice today? She couldn't. Not even to get that heir and get shot of him. And she wasn't taking his damned offer either. She was in charge here, not the other way about.

She swung on her heel and walked into the salon.

"Madam." Susan's feather duster clattered to the floor.

What did it matter Susan was there? What didn't Susan know?

"Oh, please don't mind me." Fury bit her lip. "I just need a moment. You heard all that, I suppose?"

"Well, it would have "

"Been hard not to?"