Chapter 32

His boots feet thudded on the marble floor as he strode toward her. "Bruises."

Damn it. All she needed. Why the hell hadn't she worn a gown with a higher back? Why give him what he didn't need? The opportunity to say that if Thomas had beaten her, it hadn't been hard enough? She swept her hair back off her shoulder.

"Dye marks."

He stepped between her and the door, and for the first time she saw how rail-thin he was about the waist and hips. Attractive, as Flint was always attractive in fact, possibly more so, because it made him seem even taller than he was. But thinner than the man she'd known.

He'd been starved. By Malmesbury, or in prison. No wonder he was so hungry she'd had to pawn the candlesticks and more to feed him.

"Dye marks." He narrowed his eyes. "Let me see that."