Chapter 38

"You found your way then, James?" Fury shut her bedroom door. Obviously he had, but she said it anyway. After this morning the need to reassert herself on the situation was paramount. But she had the loss of Santa-Rosa's silver hair combs and brushes to sustain her. What was one more bedding in these circumstances?

Financially staggering. Had he put Frau Berthe up to adding feet and legs to her bill?

So why worry about emotionally stretching to three sessions a day when so far, God almighty, she'd barely risen to two? His 'lordship' was here, wasn't he? And once he saw how much of a plod it was back and forward, he'd soon come to heel when he wore out his.

"Sort of," he said. "I'd say so anyway. But maybe you won't."

Now what was wrong with him, standing there, twisting his hat? As if he'd something very important to say to her. As if.