Chapter 44

For a second she lay, feeling the stupidest of stray details filtering into her consciousness. The shouts of laborers working on the quay. The wind blowing through the open shutters. But most of all feeling him, all the way to her toes, so her whole body was liquid warm.

She curved her lips inanely. It had always been like this between them. She'd not only plummeted from the tightrope stretching the gorge, but been obliterated in the firestorm sweeping it.

What she did, she did. Life was composed of moments. Why shouldn't she have had this one? Especially now, as the mattress shuddered, as he collapsed on his back in that way he always did when fully sated.

She curved her lips further. Actually, she'd a lot to thank those two whores for. Heavens, to think today could have been like any other, instead of with her lying here with an idiotic grin on her face.
