Chapter 47

Flint sat stone-still. If he gave up that sponge, he gave up his self-control.

Like hell he did. He was a very self-controlled man. Water. Lotion. Rude to refuse, but he'd reinstated the rules earlier, keeping his thoughts focused on what was important. No-questions-asked sex.

No questions asked sex wasn't as easy as he'd have liked. It wasn't so hard either. He'd had a lot of it in his day, so he was in a position to know. Sitting down to breakfast afterwards had been nice. This, he wasn't sure about.

Was that why he trembled that tiny bit?

Reaching over, he offered the sponge. "There you go."


He didn't take this kind of treatment from women as a rule. But it was only water, wasn't it?

"No, Flint. I mean this."