Chapter 60

It was disgusting. What other choice did she have but to hear him out though? Every wave, every pitch, every roll of the boat took her further from the dreams of her future.

It was the only reason she swept along the passageway behind him, her heels clicking on the wooden boards.

A single gold hoop glinted in his ear. The English Channel was hardly the place to resume his glittering career. So perhaps she should assume that having flogged off her book to the highest bidder, he now meant to extort money to head back to Jamaica? And that was why he'd not only done this, he thought that because she wanted the Beaumont inheritance sufficiently to enter into a business transaction, a frock would sway her into overlooking the fact he'd kidnapped her.

Until this moment she had quite hated this baby. Now that she saw he gave less than half a hoot about it, she pitied it. Imagine having a blackmailing, kidnapping skunk in one's family tree.