Chapter 63

"Is that right? What are you going to do? Rape a pregnant woman?"

Actually he'd never thought a pregnant woman could be so appetizing. Of course, she was his pregnant woman. And he should have told her he loved her. But how could he when she stared as though he were something she'd found under her shoe?

"No, sweetheart." His gaze drifted down the bulge below the elegant line of her breasts. He didn't know if he'd felt more strongly about anything in his whole life than he did about that little bump. About her. It was all of it a place he'd never thought to be in but there it was. "But I will keep you here."

"What do you mean keep me here? Well?"

"What I said. See, I don't have a whole lot of time here. In fact, you might say this is a hell of risk I've taken. Even down to bribing the harbor master. This is Malmesbury's ship, but this isn't his crew."

"I'd never have guessed. I don't suppose you're sailing in the agreed waters either?"