Chapter 72

She'd taken him by surprise, so for a second his mouth reacted instinctively. Thank God for the small mercy. Thank God she hadn't forgotten how to kiss. Hot. Open-mouthed. Passionate. A kiss that didn't give him an opportunity to think.

"The old bag liked the heiress then," he gasped.

Of course, Flint would not be Flint unless he thought well of himself.

"Oh, she loved her. Take it from me."

"Loved? Sweetheart, that's "

Before he could finish whatever he'd started to say, she dragged his mouth back toward hers.

"There will be kissing."

On this cold, gray afternoon, with the rain drizzling on her head, relief swept when he swung her around and shoved her against the dank, brick wall, his mouth responding as only Flint's could.

"Whoa. Wait a minute, sweetheart." He pulled himself free. "The old bag liked her. So, just how come you're here? Where's Fortune? You ain't given "