CH 9 ( Present )

Matteo's POV

I looked at Addy and smiled, well her look now was Addy's, different face and deep black hair, I smiled

I know Macy would be so proud of her daughter wherever she is, I looked at my niece again and sat down close to her on the dining stool.

"How are you feeling Addy?" I asked her and she stared at me with her beautiful eyes that look like Macy's,

"I'm feeling better, and I can't wait to be out of here," she said with a smile.

"Our passports are ready," I told her

"Wow! That fast" she asked and I nodded

"There is nothing that can't be counterfeited," I told her and scrunched my face, that sounded weird, she laughed and shook her head,

"Won't we be caught?" she asked

" have someone there" I replied her and she nodded,

She held my hand and looked into my eyes, gosh she reminded me of Macy so much, I hope all this ends and she goes back to her real life,

"Thank you so much Matteo" I smiled, what's there to thank me for, we are family but I still replied,

"We're family and there should be no thank you between us" I replied her and she smiled nodding,

"I need to change into these clothes...I'll be back," she said holding up a pair of shorts and a sleeve crop top, with blue sneakers.

"Okay," I told her and she walked away, Adriana De'Luca you can do this, my mind cheered her on

"You know that you are the best uncle" I heard Jake's voice from my back and I turned and looked at him weirdly, it was as if he read my mind,

"Why are you talking like a sissy," I said with a smirk, he shook his head and sat opposite me,

"Don't worry...the passports and tickets are in the car compartment" he said throwing a car key at me,

"Thanks," I said

"Don't thank me...just get back safely to the guys at the end of all this" he said with a frown, I smiled inwardly I know he was concerned for me,

"I will be back in one piece," I told him

He stood up and walked to the door but stopped and spoke

"If anything happens to you...I'll kill you Matteo" and he walked away.

Sighing I held my face in my palms, I wasn't scared for myself but for Addy, she is just too young to be going through all this.

I picked up the burner phone on the table and got up, walking to the stairs, I shouted

"Time to go Addy!!" And I heard shout an okay back, she came down the stairs with her duffel bag.

We got out the door and a black Toyota Camry 2018 model stood there quietly.

I opened the driver's door and got in, Addy got into the passenger seat, I reached into the back seat and brought out a mini suitcase and handed it to Addy,

"Arrange your things in here, they might have seen the color of your bag" and she nodded.

I reached into the compartment and brought out two passports and two plane tickets, looking at them I smiled

"Your name is now Jennifer as of this moment and I'm Max," I said to her

"Jennifer I like it" she replied and I smiled

"Max are you not going to put on a disguise?" Addy asked me

"Of course but a simple one knows I'm in the country," I said and brought out a black face cap from the compartment and wore it and I also brought out a stick-on beard and stuck it to my mouth.

"See" I showed her and she laughed

"Ready?" I asked her

"Aye captain" and I started the car and drove off.


I got to McCarran international airport and I packed, Addy now Jennifer got out of the car and looked around,

"Max what time is the flight," she asked me looking tired

" 11 pm...we are one hour early," I said and walked over to her

"Come let's go in," I said and grabbed her luggage, holding her hand I led her in,

"Sit here Jennifer and I'll clear everything," I said to her and she nodded.

I walked to the checking in counter and handed both our passports, the lady looked at it and didn't ask any questions, she handed me our boarding passes, she nodded at me

"Thank you" I walked away and went to the vending machine, I bought some chips and 2 drinks and water.

Walking back to Addy I saw her with her head down, I smiled, I guess she is scared of being recognized

"Let's go," I told her and she got up and held my hands,

We go to the security pass and I handed over our boarding passes and the officer scanned it,

We walked to the metal detector and Addy walked through first, I placed Addy's hand luggage, my wallet, and burner phone through the X-ray machine and o walked through, I met Addy and picked up our stuff, I looked at our boarding passes and saw A12

I checked the time and saw we have 20 minutes left, we walked to the boarding gate and went through another round of searching and scanning.

I mentally sighed.

Sitting on the plane I was glad, at least nothing went wrong,

"Max" Addy called me

"Hmmmn" I replied

"People were looking for me," she told me, looking scared

"Where?" I asked her

"When you left me, a guy sat close to me and my picture was on his screen, he made a call through a burner phone and said I still haven't found her," she told me,

I patted her " it's a few hours we would be in Aventino," I said reassuringly and she nodded,

I handed her the snack I bought and she muttered a thank you.

Aventino here we come.