Facts and Poems

In August 2017, 16:00 I lost my dad, he was my superman and closest friend, I couldn't deal with him leaving me and I fell into a depression that spanned 4years with self harm. 

I missed him everyday and everything reminded me about him, I developed panic attacks and my life was in a mess, I sought for answers why my dad had left. 

The day he left, he held my left hand so tight and I still remember everything about that day, I could tell that he was leaving that day.

I blamed myself for not being the perfect daughter, I missed him so much, self harm was a means of escape for me and the people around me couldn't tell that I wasn't okay, I'd always smile. 

I took to writing poetry, it was an outlet for my pains, I wrote when he was still around but wrote more when he wasn't. My dad was a ray of sunshine in my life, I grew up angry and sad but he made it all feel better.