Chapter 13: Lena

I watch warily as he opens the door. I wonder if he's going to let someone in. My brain, dulled by exhaustion, tries to understand what's happening. Why am I in his bedroom? Why is he taking care of me? All I can come up with is that he's playing me. He wants something and he's going to be nice until he gets it. Then he'll kill me.

He doesn't let anyone in. Instead, he picks something up, closes the door and brings it toward the bed. He sets a tray on the night table. The scent of chicken broth washes over me and my mouth instantly grows watery with anticipation. He's brought food.

He turns, reaches for me. I flinch. It's an automatic response, though I'm not sure if it's because I fear the pain or the pleasure that those hands can give. He rests his fingers on the belt tying me to the bed.

"Promise you won't attack me, Lena."

I open my mouth to promise, to tell him what he wants to hear. Then I close my mouth. I've lied before, many times in the past. Either telling people what they want to hear, "Yes master, I love your cock in my ass," as I lay broken and bleeding, biting my lip to keep from screaming my pain. Or, later, with Manuel, I lied to protect him. Enabled the image people had of me as his beautiful, dumb, younger girlfriend. Luis knows this, knows that I'm capable of lying to his face. Yet, he still asks me to promise. As if I would keep it. For some reason I can't fathom, this feels significant.

"I promise."

He doesn't hesitate, he unties the belt, unwinding the fabric from my wrists. Gently, he lowers my arms, his thumbs gliding over the slight indents the belt created. Tiny sparks of pleasure sweep up my arms at his touch. I jerk, but I don't move away. I'm becoming used to his touch, though the pleasant sensations he invokes still jar me.

He helps me sit up. I'm aware of my naked breasts, but not ashamed. I've probably spent half my life naked. The time before Manuel picked me up anyway. Luis' gaze strays down my body and he frowns, his brow doing that twist I've become so used to. Only this time his look isn't contemptuous.

He rises and walks swiftly to the closet. He returns with a T-shirt. Instead of handing it to me, he scrunches the fabric and pushes the collar over my face. I wonder if he's doing this on purpose, so I'm not blinded by the fabric, not even for a second. Then I dismiss the thought. I've never known Luis to take such care with anyone. He lifts each of my arms and guides my hands through the short sleeves, then he tugs it down my torso, covering my breasts.

I'm swamped by his T-shirt. I want to remind him that my clothes are close by and accessible. I don't. Maybe I like this side of Luis, though I'm still skeptical. Still think he's lulling me into a sense of complacency before he attacks again.

He lifts the bowl from the tray, picks up the spoon and dips it in the broth. I think for a moment he intends to eat it himself, but then he blows on it and brings it toward my mouth. My jaw drops in shock. What the hell is he doing? He takes the opportunity to push the spoon past my lips and into my mouth. I sputter on the warm liquid and bring a hand up to catch the drops spilling down my chin. Amusement lights his dark eyes.

"I can feed myself," I tell him. "I'm not injured, just weak."

The amusement fades from his eyes at the reminder of my ordeal at his hands. I feel guilty, I want that light to come back.

He passes the bowl and spoon to me. I eat eagerly, falling on the broth and devouring the steaming liquid. As it rapidly disappears, I drop the spoon on the tray and lift the bowl to my lips, taking in every last drop. When I finish, I put the bowl down and reach for the banana Theresa also provided. It's my favourite fruit and I eat it eagerly, wondering if the banana was Theresa's idea or Luis'.

"Have some water." He lifts the glass from the tray and hands it to me. I juggle the banana peel and take it from him, gulping some down with a mouthful of fruit.

When I'm done, I wipe my fingers and mouth with the cloth napkin provided. I feel satisfied. Better than I have in days. I feel in fighting shape. I eye Luis, thinking about the promise I made not to attack. His eyes are on mine and I see the knowing flash as he divines my thoughts. Still, he doesn't make any moves to defend himself. He just watches me, waiting.

I bite my lip, warring with indecision. I can take him, I know I can. Or at least maim him enough to get myself out of the house. What's holding me back? A stupid promise? I frown at him, almost annoyed that he made me give him something I'd never given before. Two things now. An orgasm and a promise I feel obligated to keep.

I push myself back on the bed, bringing my knees up and wrapping my arms around them. We stare at each other. Maybe both wondering what's next. Did he have a plan when he brought me to his room? At first, I thought he wanted someplace more comfortable to fuck me. Now I don't think that's true. He could have taken me to another room. He didn't have to take care of me first. In fact, he would have an easier time fucking me if I was dehydrated and weak. So what's he playing at?

"My father's funeral is today."

The breath whooshes out of me at the reminder of Manuel's death. I don't know what to say so I just nod. He spreads his legs and leans over, placing his elbows on his knees and head in his hand, rubbing, as though to ease the tension there. His back is to me. I could attack him now, kill him before he even knows what's happening. Stupid, fucking promise.

It's not just the promise though. I don't really want to kill him, can't imagine him dead. The stray thought hits me and I know it's true. I don't want to hurt Luis. Not unless it's self-defence. I can't bring myself to attack him while he's vulnerable.

"The killer might be at the funeral," he says, head still in hand.

I take another sharp breath. He's confiding in me. I wonder why? Only yesterday we were enemies. But then, in a way, Luis and I were the closest people to Manuel. Though I was just an employee, I always had to be physically close to the man in order to guard him. I know things about him, intimate things. I know how he liked his coffee, know how much he loved his son, was proud of the man Luis has become. I know about the escorts he had sent over from a private, exclusive agency every second Thursday of the month. I know his vulnerabilities, and I'm the only one who does. Those secrets will be buried with the man tomorrow.

"The killer will be there, Luis," I murmur, stiffening, readying for flight in case he takes issue at my words.

He doesn't. He tips his head to the side and looks at me, searching my features. "You know who it is." A statement, not a question.

I chew on my lip, wondering how much to say. I don't want him to hurt me again, but I also need him to acknowledge the truth of his father's death. Because ignoring the truth will get him killed. And me.

"You know who it is too."

His fists clench and I shrink into the headboard, knowing I'm skating the edge of his patience now. The subject of his father is touchy. My chest tightens, aches, as though I'm sad for him. I don't understand but I don't question it either. Now, in this moment, we're together and he's listening.

I push through my fear and persist in trying to make him listen. "Be careful, Luis. Manuel's murderer still wants you dead."

He straightens, turning to me. I stiffen, prepare to defend myself. He doesn't reach for me though. Just studies my face, my body in his oversized T-shirt. Then he nods, as if to himself, as if ready to acknowledge my words. He drops the subject though, saying only, "Stay here, don't try to leave. I'll find you if you do." He stands and walks to the door. Before he leaves, he hesitates. Then he glances back at me. "For your own safety, Lena. The killer is out there and you are as much of a target as I am."

Before I can reply, he leaves, locking the door behind him. I snuggle down in his bed, pulling at the blanket until it covers all of me. I bury my head in his pillow and inhale his scent. Oddly, this is the safest I've ever felt. It brings tears to my eyes. And once more, I escape my confusion through sleep.