Chapter 2

Shania was suddenly acutely aware of her situation, like a baby lamb bleating angrily at a full grown lion. She was brave. Or trying very hard to act like it.

He raised a brow at the furious, frightened beauty challenging him. "I didn't force Aiden to come to my club, and I didn't force him to throw down that money. I also didn't force him to gamble away an IOU."

"No conscionable business owner would accept an IOU!" she snapped.

He took a step toward her, thick brows lowering over dark eyes. "Watch your tongue, woman. Just because you trespass on my good graces this evening doesn't mean I'll let insults pass those beautiful lips unpunished."

Shania quickly stepped away from him, trying to keep some distance between them, and bumped the top of her thighs sharply against his desk. She tried to look brave, but was failing miserably on the inside. She wanted nothing more than to escape his presence, run to her little car, drive home, pack up all of her belongings and move away from this godforsaken city and her failed marriage. She silently vowed that was exactly what she would do the moment she was allowed to leave the club. And she feared, very much, she wouldn't be leaving without his permission.

Finally she found her voice and asked the question that had been burning in her mind since she found out about her husband's reckless behaviour and the subsequent beating.

"Wh why did you beat him so badly?" Her eyes closed briefly at the memory of Aiden's wounds. As angry as she was at him, she would never wish such pain on anyone, let alone the man she had once loved.

"He gave you everything we had in our accounts, close to $20,000. He only owed a few thousand more. Wouldn't it have been smarter to wait a month or two until he could earn the extra? It just doesn't make sense to hospitalize him. How can he possibly pay you back now? I sold everything we had left just to get this for you." She held up the crumpled bills clutched tightly in her fist.

For a split second, he just stared at her in surprise and then threw his head back and laughed. "You think he only owed ‘a few more'?"

She nodded, starting to feel queasy.

He sobered quickly, boring into her again with an intense gaze. "He owes closer to $200,000. That $20,000 was a down payment to get him in on the games."

Shania gasped and swayed. The money fell to the floor in a pathetic heap as she gripped the side of the desk.

"No! That can't be right he said" But she knew without saying it that Aiden had lied to her. "But he doesn't have that kind of money!"

"I know. He tried to barter with me. Offer something besides money."

Shania desperately wanted to put her hands over her ears and sink to the carpet of his office. She knew what he was getting at. There's only one other thing Aiden would consider of any value in his life.


"That's how you knew what I looked like?" she asked, pain and humiliation choking her already weak voice, rendering it almost inaudible. "You knew about me before I even came here."

He nodded and, reaching over the desk, picked up a photograph and showed it to her. Shania closed her eyes against the image of her laughing face, smiling up at the camera. It had been taken one year ago on her wedding day. She had worn jeans and her nicest top to the county clerk's office. Neither she nor Aiden had wanted a big, expensive wedding.

A thought fluttered briefly through her mind, penetrating the haze of humiliated pain. This man had been keeping her picture on top of his immaculate desk. Not tossed, but carefully, purposefully placed. Why?

It took her a moment to gather her thoughts and take hold of her shaking limbs. Finally she collected herself and straightened to face the man watching her every move with an unnerving intensity.

"I take it the beating you gave Aiden was your rejection of his suggested debt payment?"


Shania sighed in relief. It was absurd to think he might agree to Aiden's terms, but the confirmation lifted a weight from her shoulders nonetheless.

"Of course, that was before I met you."

His deep tones shattered her composure. "I don't understand," she whispered, terribly afraid that she actually did understand.

"You walked into my club tonight, little girl, placing yourself in my power," he said, gliding toward her and caging her against the desk with his arms, leaning over top of her, his lips inches from her face. "I would have let you go, princess, and settled Aiden's debt with him, if you had been a good little wife and stayed home tonight. But you came here, showed yourself to me. Now, I think, I'm willing to take Aiden up on his offer."

"No!" she gasped, turning her face away from him, straining to escape his gaze. "I only came to give you that money. Aiden sent me here to give it to you!" As soon as the words left her mouth she realized she had been set up. Aiden had sent her into the casino with a very specific purpose. He had placed her under this man's power.

A whimper of pain escaped her lips, along with any lasting feelings she might have felt for her husband.

Shania raised her eyes to the man who held her life in his hands, searching his face for mercy. She saw only a flicker of pity, acknowledgement of her pain and fear, before his eyes hardened once more.

He reached out and wrapped long fingers around her neck, tilting her chin up with the edge of his hand until she was forced to look at him again. "Oh yes, sweet Shania. I do believe I will take you as my payment."

"But, that's illegal!" she gasped, trying to sound braver then she felt.

His eyes traced each word as it left her lips. "This is my town, princess. I make the laws. And if I choose to accept the terms of Aiden's debt , his wife in exchange for a clean slate , then so be it. But I'm amused you think you have a say."

Shania tried to shove him away, but he stood immovable, blocking her in against the desk. "But the money You must want the money!" she tried desperately. "I can get it for you!"

His eyes searched her face. "I doubt that," he drawled. "It was never about the money. Two hundred grand? I make that in a day without breaking a sweat. It's about a fool gambling in my town, trying to cheat me of what's mine. It doesn't matter though, I've made my decision. I take you and Aiden Galveston walks, debt free."

"You can't!" she pleaded. "That's kidnapping and and slavery!"

"Slavery?" he smirked.

She nodded.

He looked down at her, considering. She might be attracted to him, which would make things easier, but it really didn't matter. The moment he had made the decision, she belonged to him, whether she liked it or not. He wasn't particularly interested in what she thought was right. He was far more interested in that beautiful, lush body packed into a pencil skirt, blouse and formal jacket.

He reached past her, brushing his arm against her breast and causing her to jump. He picked up the phone and dialed.

She held her breath as he spoke swiftly into the phone.

"Ash, you can tell Aiden Galveston his debt has been paid in full. He needs to leave town and never show his face here again. And give him a love tap to remind him of my mercy."

He hung up and looked down into the accusing golden eyes below him. Despite the loss of $200,000 he felt pretty damn good about things. It'd been a long time, if ever, since he wanted a woman as badly as he suddenly wanted Mrs. Galveston. Damn if he didn't just purchase the privilege of using that gorgeous, curvy body any way he wanted.

"Khalid," he said, eyes tracing her full, red lips. "Say it," he demanded.

She blinked and sighed before whispering, "Khalid."