Chapter 14

His words sounded so sinister. She doubted anyone in his life disappointed him, or at least they weren't allowed to disappoint him for long. She wondered how much longer she could go up against him before he lost his cool and denied her freedom completely or kicked her out of his life. She didn't know which she feared more.

"You keep taking my choices from me!" she said, pressing back against the seat to escape his scorching eyes in the dim light of the limo.???

"Get used to it!" he snarled, reaching across the distance of the back seat and taking her arm in a punishing grip. "You belong to me, Shania, and I'll be damned if my woman is going to stay married to another man."

She gasped when he jerked her off the plush seat and onto the floor in front of him. She put her hands up, onto his thighs to steady herself, her red dress swirling seductively around her body. He took advantage and yanked her in closer between his spread legs. He watched, lust and anger sparking in his eyes. Her breasts heaved against the neckline of her dress, her lips parting to take gasping breaths.

"I fucking hate that your name is tied to that fuck up Aiden Galveston." His hand tightened in her hair as he dragged her closer. "And you won't do a goddamn thing about separating yourself from him!"

He licked the bared top of her breast and then bit down, hard enough to punish, but not hard enough to hurt her. He had meant what he'd said that morning. He wouldn't cross that line with her again.

"Khalid!" she gasped, shuddering as his tongue and teeth explored her cleavage and throat.

He reached between them and unzipped his black suit trousers. With a tug, he freed his erection. Her eyes widened at the sudden sight of his massive cock pressing up against her. Steady pressure on the back of her head told her what Khalid wanted her to do.

Licking her lips, Shania nervously pressed back, but he held her tightly. He didn't force her down, but she knew with little effort he could if he wanted to. She realized he was giving her the choice to choose giving him a blowjob. Which really wasn't a choice, because he also wasn't allowing her to retreat either. They both knew how this would end. She wanted to laugh hysterically at his high-handed way of letting her make a choice.?

Impatience prompted him to press harder, the tip of his satiny penis brushing against her full lips. She decided it was a good thing she wanted to taste him or she might have chosen this opportunity to show him just how annoyed she was that he'd ended their dinner date so badly. She opened her mouth and flicked her tongue out, laving the top of him with an experimental swipe.

Khalid moaned and strained his head back against the cushions. His arms trembled with the effort not to grab her head and force his dick far back into her mouth and throat. He sensed they stood on a ledge together and that it would be a mistake to push her off rather than let her decide to jump.

She opened her mouth to him and sucked him gently into the warm, velvety depth. His eyes rolled into the back of his head at the feel of his perfect Shania taking him into her mouth. She continued to lick and suck his cock with growing enthusiasm until Khalid had to let go of her head and grip the back of the seats behind him to keep from grabbing her forcefully.

"Fuck!" he growled to the ceiling of the limo.

"Ummm." She caressed him, making satisfied humming noises.

He realized she was enjoying herself. Which was too much for his control. He reached out and gripping the back of her head pulled her off his raging dick. She moaned in disappointment, which snapped his control completely. He picked her up and threw her down on the seat, dropping down on top of her.

"Khalid!" she cried out at the sudden reversal in their positions.

He grabbed her dress where is was separated in the slit and tore it completely up her body until she was left bared to his gaze. She gasped, her breasts heaving at his savage shredding of her dress. He pulled her legs over his shoulders, leaving her helpless to him. He yanked her panties to the side and with no further warning plunged into her silky heat.

Her body stretched to welcome him, accommodating his size with only a little difficulty. She strained underneath him, trying to take him comfortably. Still pissed off, and wholly aroused by her gorgeous body and succulent mouth, he seemed incapable of taking her gently. He thrust in and out of her with long, brutal strokes.

He reached up to her face and pushed his thumb hard against her lips. "Suck," he demanded hoarsely.

She parted her juicy red lips and sucked his thumb hard and deep into the recesses of her mouth. He pulled his thumb out of her mouth and brought it down in between their bodies.

Her eyes widened when she realized what he was doing. "No, Khalid! Pleaseits too much!" she gasped.

"You'll take whatever I give you!" he snarled against her upraised leg and then dragged his thumb in slashing strokes across her sensitive clit while his cock continued to savage her body.

She shrieked and sunk her fingers into his shoulders. But her body raised up the meet his thrusts and strokes as though trusting him to lead her to the promised orgasm. His other hand caught the back of her neck and dragged her up to his mouth for a long, hot kiss, as savage as the thrusts of his body into hers.

He pressed his forehead against her temple. She smelled sweat, sex and the spicy aroma of his aftershave as he held her tightly.

"Sign the papers," he groaned against her ear. "Please, Shania."

Her eyes flew open and she tried to struggle, but he held her fast, continuing his assault on her body. She knew she would give him whatever he wanted. Because he pleaded for it, and because she was fast learning that it was useless to deny this man anything.

"Yes," she sighed, her voice ragged, "I'll sign."

His gaze was scorching and possessive, his strokes becoming shorter and harder. She moaned against him, chasing the orgasm he seemed so intent to force on her. Finally, with a cry, she tossed her head back, long black curls thrown across the leather of the seat that cushioned them and screamed her orgasm.

With a grunt and one final thrust that seated him deeply within her wet heat, he flooded her with hot semen. Her eyes flew open and she gasped in surprise. It hadn't occurred to her last night, nor this morning, but they were making love without protection.

Her body grew rigid beneath him, which confused him. She had gone from mindless pleasure to fear within seconds. He pressed back up and looked down at her, concerned. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

She shook her head and pulled herself up into a sitting position attempting to cover her nakedness with the shredded sides of her dress. She stared up at him in apprehension. He hated the look she was giving him.

Finally she spoke. "We haven't used protection."

His mind went blank for a second. "You aren't on the pill?" he asked almost absently.

She shook her head. Dark curls swirled over her silken shoulders, capturing his attention. God, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

"I haven't taken any since leaving Aiden. I just forgot and then I skipped too many for it to make a difference anyway. I wasn't expecting to get involved in another sexual relationship right away." She sounded scared, but he didn't care. The image of her heavily pregnant with his child flooded his mind.

"Good," he said, adjusting his pants, tucking himself back in and zipping up.

She frowned at him. "What do you mean ‘good'?"

He shrugged and rubbed a hand over his short hair. "I mean ‘good', Shania. I hope you are pregnant. It'll give you less reason to want the damn freedom you're so obsessed with."

She gasped and then slapped at him. "You bastard! What type of a person decides to use an innocent child to tie a woman to him?"

"Watch it," he snapped back, grabbing hold of her wrist in case she decided to go after him again. "This type of person won't hesitate to spank you and then introduce you to anal play right here and now if you don't settle down."

"Ohhh!" She huffed and thumped the heel of her other hand against his chest. "You are so beyond fucked up!"

Khalid bit back a grin at hearing the harsh swear fall from her sweet lips. He captured her other hand and brought both to his mouth to drop a kiss into each palm.

"I think you would look stunning pregnant, and I'm not against having a child with you," he said, sitting back and pulling her up with him. "I happen to agree that it's a little early in our relationship, so if it pleases you, we will ensure protection from now on."

Shania stared at him in consternation. Was he being reasonable? The man, so far as she knew him, was almost never reasonable when it came to her.

He laughed at the expression on her face. "Don't look so surprised. I may he a little heavy-handed with you sometimes, but I'm not a complete monster."

"A little heavy-handed?" she said with an arched brow.

Khalid ignored her quip. He picked up her long coat from the other side of the seat and held it out to her. She frowned at him and took it, then spent a few minutes attempting to mitigate some of the damage he had done to her outfit. He particularly enjoyed the view of her stuffing very full breasts back into the demi-cup bra and then buttoning up her coat over them.

The thought of her torn dress and her exposed underwear under the prim coat made him want to tear it open and ravish her all over again. He was amazed that his body was giving him the go ahead despite having ejaculated only moments before. She was capable of making him harder than he'd ever been before.

Once he escorted Shania back up to the penthouse, she held out her hand. "Give me the papers," she said quietly.

Without a word he handed them over.

She put them down on the table and swiftly signed each page where little sticky arrows indicated. His heart leapt at her lack of hesitation. He'd truly feared that lingering feelings for her husband were the reason behind her previous refusal. She straightened and walking over to him, she handed them over.

He took them. He wanted to reach out and haul her into his arms, but he sensed this wasn't the time. Despite her lack of hesitation, she still looked sad. Gently, he brushed the back of his hand against her jaw.

"You didn't fail, Shania," he said quietly.

She nodded absently and turned away from him. "I'm going to shower."

"I need to check on the casino and make a few calls down in my office," he said, striding to the elevator and pushing the button. "I'll probably be a few hours."

"Alright," she said softly.

Before she could leave the room, he called her name. She stopped and looked over her shoulder at him, golden eyes wide. He flashed her a smouldering look. "Make sure it's my shower you use and my bed you sleep in tonight."