Chapter 18

"Where's Ash?" Khalid demanded, approaching his wife of three months with a fierce frown.

Shania turned to him, her arms laden with boxes. Khalid reached out and plucked them from her. Dropping them onto the couch, he pulled her into his arms and nuzzled his favourite spot between her neck and shoulder. She always smelled so fresh and sweet. He licked the spot, enjoying the feel of her pulse speeding up against his tongue.

"I sent him on an errand to the shelter. Now that you've made me cut my hours back, he and I worry about Evelyn getting enough of her meals at the shelter. He's going to pick her up and take her himself this afternoon and then drive her home afterward." She tilted her head to the side, giving him better access. "Now, can we talk about the absurd amount of gifts you've sent up? I mean, seriously? I thought you had an empire to run, how do you find the time to buy out all the baby boutiques in town?"

Shania wished she was exaggerating, but the staggering amount of baby supplies he had bought since finding out about her pregnancy a few months ago was enough to make even the most cavalier spendthrift take pause. He had been so happy at her news that he had immediately proposed and then dragged her out to buy the biggest ring he could find for her. Then he had mega baby-proofed their condo, set about selling some of his less savoury business interests and proceeded to attempt to wrap Shania in bubble wrap.

Time had given her a better understanding of Khalid's background. He had lost his family at a young age and spent years clawing his way out of gutters and building a life for himself. He didn't know how to love her without smothering her. He feared she would leave him, something terrible would happen to her or she would disappear into thin air.

Patiently loving him had convinced him that she wasn't going to leave him. Slowly, he had allowed his control to slip and for her to take a place next to him as his partner.

Khalid reached down and picked her up gently in his arms. Despite her extra baby weight, he easily carried her into the bedroom and placed her gently on the bed. She watched with shining eyes while he rapidly stripped off his clothes.

"I love you," she said, reaching up to touch his bearded jaw. Her fingertip lingered on the tiny scar at the corner of his eye.

He growled and dropped down on top of her. Taking her wrists in his hands, he pulled them over her head and, holding them there with one hand, began pulling off her clothes with the other. "It's this body you love and what it does for you, admit it insatiable woman!" he demanded with a growl, peppering kisses down her throat and her now exposed cleavage.

He loved how her generous breasts had grown to impossible proportions and took every opportunity he could to cradle and squeeze them.

She giggled. "I admit it! I love that sexy body! Now take me, husband!"

Not having to be asked twice, Khalid finished stripping her clothes. He worshipped her breasts and now rounded belly with lips and tongue. He trailed the dark line running from her belly button down to her wet pussy with his tongue. She squirmed and opened her legs wider for him, knowing he wouldn't rest until he had wrung at least three orgasms out of her with his wicked mouth before possessing her with his cock.

As she was coming down from her fourth orgasm, her body soft and sweet, he growled into her thigh, "I fucking love you woman," before covering her body possessively with his and thrusting into her. She clung to him, crying out as he found that exquisite balance between making sure he wasn't hurting her and ensuring her pleasure. They rode their orgasm together and drifted back down, wrapped tightly in each other's arms.