Rope Burns

"She did WHAAAAAT!" Sena Fuller's cries could not be contained in the small dorm room. Keri knew it was hopeless to ask her to quiet down. Sena stood easily four inches taller than herself, and made Keri blush with her choice of wardrobe. Wearing a bright pink gown, Sena had her dyed red hair tied in a long ponytail. She also chose to wear glasses, something she didn't usually like to wear, but somehow it made her bookish features more attractive.

Keri sighed and then tried to explain what happened again. Her mind raced and it was difficult giving her thoughts a clear voice, "Lilia was ordered to tie me up and dominate me, then collect my squirts for proof."

Sena's face was a rampant red! She had her hands balled into fists, "Let me see."

Keri was sitting on her bed wearing a large shirt and nothing else. She carefully pulled the shirt over her head to reveal a collection of rope burn marks. The markings around her breasts were harsh, along with the burns around the base of her thighs. Her skin stung as she felt the cool air brush against her naked frame.

The look on Keri's girlfriend's face was one of shock. Sena leaned forward to get a better look. "I'm going to get some lotion for that, just stay right here. Don't go anywhere!"

Keri nodded and watched as Sena rushed out of her room to get some ointment. Sena's room was just down the hall so Keri leaned back against the wall and waited for her to return. Keri's dorm room was situated on the second floor just like the previous year, but instead of it being in the far corner of he hallway it was on the opposite end and closer to the showers at the center of the corridor. It made going to the bathroom faster which was a good thing. The room was the exact same size and proportions as her last, except for one minor detail. The room came with actual shades, she no longer had to use bed sheets to keep the morning light out. Only a few rooms had them, and apparently it was a big deal to be assigned a room with them.

She thought it was funny to imagine that all the exploitations she went through last year earned her nothing but shades. There were a few other cosmetic changes she was able to afford since last year as well. She could afford better bed sheets, new clothes, and a couple posters for her wall. She was even able to afford actual hardcover books, not cheap paper copies or cracked electronic screens but really nice firmly bound books. Most were just for her classes, but she was able to splurge on a couple of other's. The Romances of Sinderman, the Collected tales of Shakespear, and a couple other adventure novels bordering along erotica were neatly stacked on her desk.

Her father had also gotten her a silver pocket watch for her birthday, and it sat in the sunlight to cast a glare across the room. It was hand made, but not too elaborate. Inside she kept an old picture of when she was in the boxing ring during practice. The picture had herself in the center, Jonathan and her father on either side smiling toward the camera. That was taken at least five years ago, and was one of the few pictures she let anyone take of herself.

Keri looked down at her naked body, her breasts were swollen D cups when she left last year but now were slightly smaller. They were still perky and well rounded, with bright pink nipples sticking out fully erect. Her skin was a light amber from a summer tan, and a small collection of brown fuzz had grown between her legs. She hadn't had it waxed in a while now.

According to the calendar it was Wednesday, the first week back in college was already half way over. Monday she was able to meet all her new professors, and was summoned to her first ever sorority meeting. A meeting no pawn was allowed to attend. It was the first time she caught a glimpse of how inner decisions were made, and she even got to vote on a resolution for the first official orders for all pawns. There were several options, some mundane others cruel. The first option was to require all pawns to get tattoos on their stomachs, Keri voted no on that. The second option was for all pawns to masturbate in public before the week was over, it was another she voted against. Interestingly the majority of sisters voted nay for the most obscene proposals. It wasn't until the seventh consideration came that there was a majority agreement. Keri felt weird voting yes for all the pawns to lure a dozen fraternity brothers in the institute and film an orgy. But the idea was also fairly exciting.

Somehow she felt empowered having some say in the orders. Only seniors could directly give orders to any pawn, but collectively the sorority could have a say in larger orders for all of them. Keri also learned that the sophomore Peons were responsible for tedious assignments, like making sure all the Pawns had condoms and a room where they could have such an orgy.

By Tuesday the Peons already had arranged everything, it was now up to the Pawns to do their part. Keri also got to enjoy the workout facilities and met with some of her senior's about the idea of letting women compete in some form of athletics. So far there wasn't any budging on that yet, but Keri had a feeling that her complaints were being heard.

Wednesday morning she woke up tied and dominated by her own roommate. She hoped the rest of the week would be better. She was lost in thought when Sena returned bearing a tube of lotion and a soft towel.

"Those look really bad," Sena looked at her burn marks again, applied a large lump of lotion to her fingertips, and then sat next to Keri. She wrapped one arm around Keri's shoulder to hold her close while her other hand carefully applied the balm just underneath her right breast. Keri winced as the cool cream made her sensitive skin tingle.

For several minutes she let Sena trace her fingers over the robe burns, her hand glided from one breast to the other then down her waist to the marks just inches away from her most sensitive places. Keri spread her legs wider so Sena could get a better reach. She then looked over into Sena's eyes and whispered, "Please be gentle."

Sena returned a smile, "I know all your sensitive spots, like this one." Keri squinted as her girlfriend made her heart flutter. "And this one," Sena continued with a finger rubbing her left nipple. Her touch made Keri feel like she was losing it. "And most of all, this one," Sene extended her arm between her legs, planted one of her fingers against her swollen lips then inserted it slowly. Keri bit her lip as she squeezed her finger tight, Sena's index finger reached one particular spot along her inner walls while her thumb pressed down against the puffy bud of her clit. She began rubbing both spots gently.

Keri swore, her head fell back and she felt a flutter deep down in her stomach. It was slowly lifting up, threatening to burst. Sena let another finger slip inside her and kissed Keri on the lips. Their tongues intertwined, sharing each other saliva. Sena's breath tasted like orange mints, and that made Keri self conscious that she hadn't even brushed her teeth yet. She felt lighter than air as Sena's fingers continued to explore deeper. Keri gasped and released a passionate moan as her core seized and sent shockwaves in every direction.