Break Me In My Dreams!

Keri's breasts weighed against her fathers old desk as she rested her arms on its smooth wood. With exquisite agony she had just finished milking them dry only an hour ago, there was enough essence to fill an entire gallon jug. It was a mistake trying to ignore the building pressure for as long as she did. Now that she had been relieved of their burden her breasts had grown softer, becoming more plush and tear dropped shaped. They sagged just a little, cool blue veins flowed like steady streams underneath the skin. It still irritated her to wear anything, and each time she touched herself she could feel a tingle between her legs.

Another day had passed. Another day with no news on when the wall would be declared secure. Another day with no news on when the University might re-open, if at all. Another long day without hearing from any of her sorority sisters…except the one that truly mattered of course.

Keri sat on her fathers leather chair, using his work desk to try and study. She had a small collection of paperback books from her previous classes, while they were boring as hell they helped distract her attention. It was hard to believe that if things were normal she would be participating in homecoming about now. She chewed her inner lip thinking about it.

Her fathers journal laid at the corner of the desk, he had been a fanatic believer in jotting down all his personal thoughts in that notebook. Apparently he found it therapeutic, but Keri never comprehended having the patience to sit down and record what she was thinking. It would probably be mostly about sex anyway.

She was currently trying to read about the history of Nova Nash, and the construction of the wall itself. But she couldn't get to the next chapter, it was too full of non-relavent dates and sported little information of value. History was boring. Each time she tried to continue from where she left off she found it difficult, taxing even. There were other texts to review, but with each second she looked at that old book she wished she could move on to something else. There was nothing good to watch on TV, and music had grown sour. Keri picked up a pen and tapped the pages of the book in frustration, she wished there was something better to occupy her attention. Sena had gone out for groceries with what little money they had, the silence was deafening.

To top it off her old computer was low on power, she had spent too much time watching videos in between her reading. What really bothered her wasn't the lack of classes, the loss of a social life, or even the trauma she had just undergone. No, that was all water under the bridge as far as she was concerned. What really bothered Keri was the lack of driving inspiration. The lack of something worthwhile to do!

Before college she got her fulfillment from her boxing career. In college sex took its place, along with a passionate girl friend. She still had Sena but there was no direction in her life. no future that she could strive for. Without a college degree Keri couldn't apply for most jobs, outside of the military of course.

Where was there to go from here? She wondered.

Most would consider getting a job, joining the army, or getting married and having kids at this point. But for her, she sat looking down at subjects that no longer interested her. Her womb was empty, and she wasn't about to ask her girlfriend for help in that department.

Giving a sigh she leaned back in her chair and loosened the sash of her robe. It parted wide to expose more of her naked body. She realized her father would probably lose his mind if he knew she had been sitting on his chair like this. The cool air graced her sensitive skin, causing goosebumps to form. She leaned her head back to look at the ceiling to watch the fan spinning slowly.

Her fingers tapped against the wood of the office chair, thoughts drifted into an uneasy awareness. Just as she felt her consciousness slipping the sounds of footsteps entered the room. They were light but made the floor creak as they approached. Keri smiled as she assumed her girlfriend had come back to check on her.

Just as she was about to look over her shoulder a hand slammed down onto her wrist, a black claw with extended fingers. Keri looked up in horror at the creature looking down on her with a face that she recognized. It was the colonel's face! But there was something very wrong with it. His jaws expanded wide revealing long sharp teeth and a tongue that was black as night.

With a fluid motion it threw her from the chair to the floor. Her body slammed against the carpet hard. Keri groveled to get away but felt the Skitter grab hold of her legs and dragged her back.

"Stop it!" She cried out in vain.

"Keri…" The thing spoke with a sleek voice full of spite and barely controlled rage. It looked down at her as if in disappointment. "Did you really think I had forgotten you?"

"You…" Keri felt powerless as it ripped her robe wide and threw a large meaty cock onto her naked torso. It's slimy appendage coated her skin with a white grease that melted into her pores. It smelled ripe and was easily the length of her entire arm. "Get away!"

It smiled. Dozens of smaller tendrils spawned from its shadows. They hovered over her, the way they squirmed made her feel sick. Each one bore a crown of bulbous flesh glistening with something that seemed to fizzle in the air. Many were tiny and pinky thin, but Keri could make out the detail of each of them as if their size and distance distorted against reality. Suddenly they plunged down toward her. Like knives she felt them stab into the buds of her purple nipples, and stick her in the sides of her stomach. The pain was overwhelming, she could feel something cold as ice pouring through them into her body.

When his girth prodded the entrance to her nether regions, the tip was just as cold. Keri gritted her teeth, her mouth was practically foaming! The pain wracking her body made it so she barely noticed the stallion cock about to loosen her loins. The ice cold shaft breached the gate, spread open tight walls, and pulverized the core of her sanctum. The nerves of her muscle could feel every curvature and vein of the creatures mighty shaft. With each grinding thrust she could feel the weight of its balls slam against her buttocks like wrecking balls.

"Ff-uck, hgggh," Keri squirmed. Her body convulsed after his third thrust. Her inner walls clenched the shaft so damn tight she could feel every inch of him as it dug into her. A scream broke her lips as she felt it reach the very base of her womb. It was wonderful! The pain, the pleasure…it was rapturous! She wanted more, the creature was scratching an itch that had been devoid for far too long.

Keri felt like her entire body was on fire! As if the frozen ice had grown so cold her body could only register it as molten lava. Spasms of torment continued to assail her as she was forced to climax again and again. As poison ejected from the tips of the invading tendrils, Keri felt like every molecule in her body was being torn apart and put back together. It was enough to make her black out, and that was before another thick coil entered her mouth.

Keri awoke!

She screamed and practically fainted from the terror of what she had just experienced. Cold sweat ran down the girth of her cleavage as she slammed herself into the desk. The book she was reading moments before was cast across the room. The lights were dim but still lit, and Keri realized she was still completely alone. It took several minutes for her to steal her nerves, but eventually she managed to stabalize herself. She clenched her fists to keep them from shaking.

"FUCK!" She slammed one of her fists onto the table. It was just a dream, a terrible fucking dream! It felt so fucking real, her nipples still tingled!

"Is everything ok?" Sena's voice broke through the tension lingering in the room. Keri looked over to see her girlfriend enter the private sanctuary like an angel descending from heaven. Her blue hair neatly combed back, and her robe parted down the center to show off a toned stomach.

Keri shoved the nightmare deep down, "I'm fine babe, just a bad dream." Keri brushed her own hair back and then rubbed her shoulder. She was already getting moist just looking at her girlfriend.

"It sounded like a nightmare?" Sena stood with a hand on her hip. She was wearing her glasses again, they somehow made her look even sexier. Keri blushed, her eyes drawn to her lovers beautiful face and gorgeous smile.

Keri stuttered as she tried to speak and couldn't hide how awkward she felt, "They d-dont happen wh-when you're here."

Sena smiled and embraced her. The hug made Keri relax a little, she returned the hug by wrapping her arms around Sena's back. Their nipples poked against one another before pressing into thick mounds of squishy flesh. Keri could feel how warm and soothing Sena's breasts were, they were more firm and perky in comparison to her own.

Still entertwined Sena held up a small collection of bills, "I sold the last gallon of milk for a small profit, I think there might just be a market for it?"

"I thought you didn't want to share it?" Keri raised a brow.

Sena sighed, "I really don't…but we need the cash. At least until the University opens back up."

Keri looked at the small leaflets of paper. She would have to produce a hell of a lot more product before they made enough to eat more than ramen noodles.

"I have an idea," Sena whispered in her ear, still holding onto her tightly.

Keri kissed the side her Sena's neck before inquiring what was on her mind, "what?"

"Lets get you in a nice hot bath, that'll help you relax." She placed her forehead against Keri's lovingly, "I can wash your back while you rest, maybe that'll spark some better dreams."

Keri's cheeks were glowing red, "That sounds lovely."

"Plus I just got some new lavender shampoo, are you sure you don't want me to dye your hair?" She had brought up the topic more than once but Keri shook her head.

"No thanks, just the shampoo darling." Keri kissed Sena on the lips, they were warm and smooth.

Sena seemed reluctant to let her go, but after several seconds she released her grasp and guided her out of the room, "Oh there's one more thing. I almost forgot!" Sena seemed excited.

Keri rolled her eyes, "What is it this time?"

"I have a little surprise for you," Sena sounded so chipper "I'll show you tomorrow, but trust me its going to rock your world." She put a lot of emphasis on the 'rock your world' part.

Keri chuckled and returned a sharp nod. She couldn't wait to see whatever ever it was that Sena had in store for her. Whatever it was she hoped it proved a better distraction than old college work.

The duo left the office room and made their way to the master bathroom. It might have been considered a 'master' but in truth it was only large enough for a porcelain tub, a sink, and a small shower stall. The tub itself was almost too big for the room, Keri was fine with that for it allowed enough space for two people.

Just as Sena began filling it with warm water Keri looked over to the glass pane wall, her eyes suspiciously searched for any sign of the creeping shadow. Her skin crawled, there was no sign of anything abnormal…except for a tiny flicker behind her eyes. She could already feel her breasts swelling again as she turned around to take a step into the warm water.

*Thanks for reading! Please don't forget to check out my blog at! And please let me know what you think by sending a comment or review :)

*Also I got some requests to work on a sequel to Son Of Thrace, and I've started brainstorming ideas. Please check my site regularly for future updates on it. Also you can find e-book/paperback version of Son Of Thrace by checking out my site!

*In the meantime, I'll try to have another chapter published this week.