Rob glanced around the dockyard noticing every discreet security measure with pride. Jay Le Croix had entrusted his operation to Rob when he purchased it several years ago and so far, the dockyard had never experienced a single hitch, despite some of the less savoury clients that occasionally drifted through. They teamed up on security for each subsequent business purchase or takeover that Jay made.
This new security detail was different though. Jay always trusted Rob to make his own decisions regarding security. Rob always hand-picked his own teams, trained and placed them. Jay knew Rob was capable and determined. He was one of exactly two people that knew Rob's complete background. Instead of feeling insulted by Jay's summons today, Rob was intrigued. Rather than simply placing the safety of this mystery woman in Rob's more than capable hands, Jay insisted Rob come to his dockyard office to meet the lady himself before determining how best to protect her.