Chapter 22: Diogo

My radio crackles, startling me awake. I reach for it automatically. Late night calls aren't unusual, but I'm glad I chose to rest separately from Taran. She needs to sleep and recover. I sit up, scrubbing a hand over my face and try to shake off the cobwebs of sleep. I glance out across the city from my place on the roof. It's still full dark, curfew is in effect and very few lights glow throughout Sanctuary.

I bring the radio up to my mouth. "Fuentes."

As I wait for the response I push myself up off the old military cot and stand, stretching out stiff muscles. I sleep up here on the roof more often than I sleep in my own bed. I crave the freedom of open air and stars. I also enjoy being able to see the shadows of my city laid at my feet. My kingdom. It's not perfect, but it's mine.

"Cruz here," Jorje identifies himself. "Primitives have been spotted in the desert not far from the Eastern wall. I'm sending a team to check on the report."