Chapter 30: Taran

Four hours later and Diogo is still gone. I'm worried sick and pacing the floor round and round the table. Garrett hasn't moved from where he stationed himself at the door. His sharp eyes flick from the door to me as I move past. He hasn't tried to comfort me since Diogo left, hasn't said a word. Finally, I decide that pacing isn't doing any good and turn toward the stairs up to the roof. Just as I reach them though, Diogo comes through the entrance.

"Leave," he growls at Garrett, who immediately disappears through the still open door.

"Diogo!" I gasp, hurling toward him.

I stop short of throwing myself at him though. I'm still not so comfortable with him that I'm willing to initiate physical contact. I edge around him so I can look at him while he pulls off his rifle, unbuckles his weapons belt and drops it on the table. He's splattered in blood again, this time across his upper body and neck.

"Blood," I say dismally.