There's one more thing I have to do before leaving the sector. I nod to my men and get back in my jeep. The address I've been provided isn't easy to find. Buildings, houses and streets aren't as clearly labelled as they are in the higher-class sectors. Debris litters the streets and people group together in the roads, hurrying home before the curfew siren sounds. I pull up to my destination, a quiet ramshackle home in a residential neighborhood surrounded by other homes falling to disrepair. Except for this one, 58 Maple Drive, I can't tell if they're inhabited or if they've been abandoned. Light glows through the window of this home.
One of the screws on the 8 has been lost and it hangs down below the 5. Both numbers threaten to fall under the force of my fist against the door. The side of the house has been spray-painted. One of the tags is an eagle, the symbol of Authority, painted red with a cross over it. I smile grimly at the image as the door swings open.