"Good." I sigh my relief as I breeze through the apartment door, with Grayson behind me. Diogo isn't waiting to tear a strip off me as I was halfway expecting. "He's not home yet."
Grayson clears his throat and nods toward the table, or more specifically the chair at the table with Diogo's jacket folded across the top, his Commander insignia facing up.
"Well, I didn't do anything wrong, so he shouldn't be upset with me," I argue with no one in particular.
"He said two hours, Mrs. Fuentes."
I turn around and glare at my bodyguard. I'm getting the distinct feeling that he doesn't care if Diogo punishes me for my relatively minor transgression. "He suggested two hours and I'm barely over."
"By an hour."
I narrow my eyes at him. "You were counting."