"Speak!" I bark, annoyed at the interruption.
"She tried to trick me," Grayson radios in. "Tried to convince me something was wrong with her, begged me to get her into the bathroom because she said she had to umm vomit." He clears his throat at this point before continuing. He's said enough though, I'm already heading out of my meeting and out the front door of the guard station. Cruz and the other lieutenants can wait, I have a wife to check on. And once I've assured myself she's fine, she will regret trying to trick her guard.
I will do anything to make sure my wife is safe. I will curtail all of her freedoms, have her watched 24/7, I will murder her friends if I think they're plotting to steal her back. I will do whatever it takes to make sure she lives.
Taran is my Sanctuary.