Chapter 107: Taran

"The fuck you are!" I snap, pushing myself awkwardly to my feet. My back groans in protest but I ignore it. This is more important. "You are in no condition to do anything, let alone challenge some dumb fuck that doesn't know what to do with the city he stole."

He looks down at me, shocked, then his face splits into a grin. He's amused, either by my words or my profane language. Well, that makes one of us, I'm less than amused at the moment. He sways on the spot and I grab hold of his arm.

"Sit your ass down, Warlord, and let me explain a few things so you don't go racing into headquarters without any kind of a clue as to what's been happening."

Diogo studies me, his brow furrowed in concentration as he makes a decision. He's a strong man, a proud man. I just hope he sees the value in my words. I bite my lip as I wait for his response.