Chapter 124: Diogo

"Commander, we've temporarily shut down all sector checkpoints and the main gate. We've deployed people throughout Sanctuary with orders to watch for Mrs. Fuentes, Stryker and Stryker's vehicle. I'm confident someone'll report their position soon." Bossman follows me out to my car, giving me the rundown on the search for Taran.

I don't know how long she's been missing, I don't know if she's safe or in danger. I can't imagine Stryker would do anything to hurt her, but I don't know his reason for moving my wife without permission. He can't be in his right mind. He has to know that his actions today have essentially signed his death warrant.

"I should've seen this coming," I mutter my frustration as I open the door to my jeep. I'd tried remaining in one place, in my office at HQ, but the inaction was killing me. I can't remain sitting while my wife and unborn child are missing.

"If you don't mind my saying, you're only one man, Commander."