Chapter 128: Taran

I'm sitting calmly on the bed, holding the baby to my chest when Diogo bursts in. The relief that crosses Gillert's face is almost laughable. I suppose it's rather poetic that my old police nemesis is the one to find me, to call Diogo. Gillert was the one to arrest me during the food riots, he was the one to process me when Diogo arrested the Desert Wren. Now, he is the one to help reunite me with my husband.

"Taran!" Diogo kneels on the floor next to the bed. He reaches for me but pulls back when he sees the bundle in my arms.

As angry as I am with my husband, as betrayed and hurt, I will still always cherish the look on his face as I reveal our son to him for the first time. Gently I move the blanket away from his face so Diogo can see him. The tiny red face screws up in annoyance as the cool air touches his cheek. He turns his face back toward my breast.

"A boy," I murmur.

"A boy," Diogo repeats my words, his own voice holding the awe I'd felt when I first saw our child too.