"Let me help you," I say, reaching for the armload of supplies Doctor Bishop is struggling to carry out to the car. We're loading two vehicles with food, blankets, medicine and other supplies.
"Thank you, Emery," he says kindly, tipping two of the boxes into my waiting arms.
"What is all this?" I ask, helping him place them into the trunk next to the bags of clothes and blankets I'd gathered from families from Sector Thirteen that wanted to help out with the refugee situation.
His voice drops as he gives me a quick rundown. "Some tubing and needles for IV's, antibiotics, painkillers, fluids, a few other things." He glances around quickly and I realize he's probably taking more supplies than he's been authorized to give, stretching our own city supply more than the Warlord would approve of.
I smile warmly and pat his arm. "You're a good man, Doctor."