Chapter 35

LOI ARCHED AN EYEBROW as Cat came over. Almost skipping, she noted.

'Enjoy the flight?'

Cat looked guilty for a moment. 'Errr, yes,' she gave a sheepish cough. 'It was pleasant.'

They looked knowingly at her.

THE FOUR OF US, WITH Audrey, had to collect the firewood and I could see the rebellious looks on Sian and Loi's faces. They didn't like being delegated the easy work, just because we were women. I was happy to do it. It meant we could talk without being overheard by the guys. The instant we were out of sight the questioning began. Sian seemed certain that Daron could be someone special, and Kassie felt the same about Rumal. Loi appeared to like Sabyn a lot but didn't want to commit herself just in case. I knew how she felt.