Chapter 37

LOI DECIDED SHE'D HAD ENOUGH of standing and with Sabyn gripping her hips again, she lowered back to the saddle.

'How are you?' Sabyn spoke into her ear.

'Shaking,' Loi said in surprise. 'It's a lot harder than I expected.' Her legs trembled as though she'd done hours of training.

He laughed softly. 'You were up longer than I managed my first time. Shows how strong you are.' He wrapped both arms around her.

Loi felt flattered and relaxed back against him with a smile. 'Thanks.'

I COULD JUST SEE THE village in the space between Loushka's wing and neck. It didn't have a fence like Lothost had. I leaned back against Alek's chest and he obligingly ducked his head so I could speak into his ear. 'Why isn't it fenced? Lothost was.'

'They have a large number of dogs here,' Alek said. 'Audi will be popular. They also regularly host griffons and their riders. That'll scare off most of the carnivores.'