Chapter 51

SIAN WATCHED CAT FLUSH AND spoke up, hoping to give her a few moments to compose herself. 'What is it you want with us then, Elena? Or was it solely to keep us out of the way of those who would take our abilities?'

'I would like the opportunity to train you all to use your powers. If you do have the abilities that I suspect you do then you would be very valuable allies,' Elena said frankly.

'How do we know you're the good guys?' Loi asked. 'We could be allying with the wrong side.'

Elena let out an exasperated sigh. 'Here is the offer I make you. I will train you and provide for you. You will have free reign to explore as you like and ask what you like. All I ask is that you give it at least one month before you make any final decisions as to what you are going to do.'

'Why one month?' queried Kassie.