Chapter 61

I WOKE THE NEXT MORNING and lay there, feeling a horrible sense of loss followed by overwhelming fury.

Why am I letting this bother me? So he'd turned out not to be who I thought he was; it wasn't the first time this had happened to me. And I liked being single. I loved it. No-one to have to report to or think about and I LIKED BEING SINGLE!

Tears welled in my eyes and flowed down my cheeks. I stuffed the sheet in my mouth to stop any sounds.

Why? What had I done?

He'd seemed so sweet and thoughtful and I thought the chemistry was there. The weird pain in my chest wouldn't go away. It hurt to breathe. I curled into a ball and pulled the covers over my head. Yanking the sheet out of my mouth, I wept into my pillow. I couldn't decide what was worsethe sensation of loss or the feeling of self-deception at allowing a mere male to affect me like this.