Chapter 74

SIAN'S FACE BEGAN TO LOOK a little mischievous, and she started to glow blue, just a hint.

'What are you thinking, Siany?' Loi asked curiously.

We laughed when she flushed at being caught out, pressing both hands to her red cheeks.

'Oh god, this is going to be embarrassing if I glow at every errrr- naughty thought.' We chuckled at that, then set to work with Ada, creating our outfits.

Dinner seemed to last forever. The four of us sat on the edge of our seats while we waited to go back and change. I looked forward to seeing their style of dancing. Everyone chatted away so I let my mind drift, thinking about my outfit for this evening. Ada had transformed a beautiful violet robe into a cowl necked, sleeveless dress. It finished on a diagonal and fit like a dream. I felt a pang of envy at Ada's gift, and it made me wonder what other gifts you could have. Dinner finally ended and we hurried to our suite.