Chapter 83

ALEK HERDED ME TOWARD A jewellery stall while he explained.

'An isanith is a type of faerie. There are hundreds of different types of fae, but the isanith is a pretty basic version. It hunts insects and will even kill other faerie if they're small enough and not quick to get away. They have a nasty bite and a sting.'

'Eww. They sound like wasps, are they considered a pest?'

'Depends on where they are,' he smiled at me. 'They can be very useful to farmers if they've had an infestation of wetans or deni. But if they found a hive near their house then they'd get rid of it.'

'Oooh, pretty.' I forgot the conversation in an instant and beamed at the gorgeous jewellery on display, making Alek chuckle. The girls and I examined each piece, to the obvious delight of the stall owner.

THE MEN INSISTED ON BUYING a piece for each of the women, though Cat refused to let Alek. Sian felt bad for him and touched his arm when Cat was preoccupied with examining something.