Chapter 86

WE HAD ABOUT AN HOUR to kill leaving me pacing the floor in nervous anticipation. I couldn't lie down thanks to my hair; curled and then pinned so it cascaded down like a waterfall. I was to wear it draped over one shoulder; the stylist had insisted after she gushed over the colour. It made me laugh. Sure, my hair was pretty but with the fabulous blues, greens and violets I'd seen today I didn't think it compared. The stylist had shrugged and informed me red hair was unique.

So, I still stood out. Even on a different world. Figures.

Audrey could sense my mood and it made her agitated. I studied her for a moment.

What will I do with her this evening?

As I pondered, a knock sounded on the door. I was surprised to find Ada there.

'What are you doing with Audrey tonight?' she asked, seeming a little anxious.

My jaw dropped. 'Do you read minds too?' I asked in amusement.