Chapter 136

THE FRESH BERRIES NEARLY TASTED better than the truffles. Loi savoured their crisp, sweet tartness; the perfect end to a meal. She sighed in pleasure after grabbing another handful and settled back against Sabyn. The sun had moved in the time they'd been there. The rays shone fully down on the picnic, making her feel as sleepy as a sated cat while they relaxed there, almost dozing.



'Will you marry me?'

Her eyes snapped open and she spun out of his lap with a gasp, staring in shock. Sabyn cocked his head, regarding her in amusement, then drew a ring case out from beneath his leg and offered it to her.

Frozen to the spot she stared at the case, emotions running rampant through her; delight, fear, excitement, and doubt. With her eyes squeezed closed she squeaked out. 'Why?'

He sounded astonished. 'What?'

Her breaths came short and fast. 'Why, why me? You could have anyone, why me?'