Chapter 142

'WHEN WE'RE DONE, WE'LL SHOW you the best swimming hole.'

Y'len chatted excitedly to me as I shovelled dirt out, then stood back to let Broen have his turn.

'That sounds nice,' I smiled down at her.

It really would be nice. The day was a scorcher, and I couldn't look more un-princess like at the moment, sweat pouring off me.

'Ashern, you and your sister go fetch some drinks. Tell the others to do the same.'

Elder Taine spoke to his son and the two kids dashed off, calling to the others clustered around the adults digging.

'A stunning day,' I remarked.

Elder Taine agreed, 'It is a good omen for such a solemn task.'

There was an awkward silence as the villagers flicked looks at each other. I waited.

'Your Highness, we did wonder what it is we're being protected from. We heard some odd rumors from those close to Dooran.'

I felt Kassie's warning and hesitated while trying to think of an appropriate answer.