Chapter 150

THE HOUR WENT FAST, AWFULLY fast. Time seemed to fly while I ached to slow it down. Before I knew it, the rest of the day had gone and I sat in an armchair, looking out over the courtyard.

Alek lay sleeping in the bed, but Audi kept me company. The night was still and only the guards on duty moved outside, quietly going about their rounds. As much as I knew my body needed it, sleep refused to come. Everything that had happened today kept ticking over in my head.

By the time we'd finished training, Elena had reached more allies. Joining us, in a week's time, was the elvan warrior ranks from Hotoreth, and the Draoths of Nalauth. The Lieutenants and men were impressed as both realms were known for their elite forces. Feeling my legs stiffen with the cold creeping in, I stood, intending to try and get some sleep, then stopped at the hum in the air. Loi's awake, I realized. Grabbing my cloak, I slipped out of the room.