Chapter 181

KASSIE GRIPPED THE EDGES OF the bed, taking what comfort she could in the solid wood. A flash of lightning lit the room so bright she could clearly see the whites of Cat's terrified eyes. The room veered to a ninety-degree angle while they both shrieked and clung tight to whatever they could. Thunder boomed and voices roared from the deck above while soldiers, allies, and Draoths fought to keep control of the ship. The guilt Kassie had felt at not helping vanished when the storm hit and the floor pitched high and low. Even with living in New Zealand, none of the girls knew much about sailing and with all the experienced persons aboard there wasn't a need to help.

Still, thought Kassie gritting her teeth and keeping her death grip on the base of the bed, it'd be nice to not feel quite so useless. Might take her mind of the pitching and heaving of her stomach.

'Oh c-r-a-p,' Cat said in a tight voice. 'Kass, I think I'm gonna be sick.'