Chapter 262

THE COOL BREEZE THAT WHISPERED through the narrow windows caused his skin to prickle, the hairs on his arms stiffening. Alek breathed in the salty sea air, relishing the taste. Beside him, face tucked against him her breath warming his skin, Cat slept. Another breeze blew through the room and she flinched. Her lips moved briefly then she hunched closer against him, her hands half curled above and below her breasts.

Without meaning to his energy expanded while he watched her, his eyes and mind involved in absorbing every inch of her face. The twitch of a well-defined red brow, the flutter of lashes against her pale skin, and those almost sharp cheekbones smattered with freckles. Her lips, soft and just parted, revealed a glimpse of teeth. Her nose wrinkled then she sniffed the tip of her nose wriggling when a strand of hair tickled past. The hair glinted ruby in the angled morning light from the windows. He brushed it back when she made a restless gesture against him.