Chapter 271

WE COULD HEAR THE TRUMPETS. I wouldn't have thought it possible with the distance but the still morning allowed the rich noise to carry with ease. The cool air made my skin prickle as I watched soldiers lower another of the longboats, the soldiers within it spreading their feet to keep balance. The centaurs had it easy when it came to balance but their size meant the boats could carry just twelve. Eight of the other soldiers (the two-legged variety) slotted in around them to man the oars. Still, the ship had ten long boats so only half that many would need to make a return trip. The reminder of how few of us returned made me close my eyes for a moment, breathing deep. The salt air felt even sharper than usual as if it would sandpaper the inside of my nose which I wrinkled, resisting the urge to sneeze.

No sneezing allowed, doesn't look serious at all

I looked down to the main deck, meeting Loi's teasing gaze with the hint of a smile.

Thanks for that. Nervous? You're up next.