Chapter 274

JOY, TRIUMPH AND A SENSE of loss ran through him as he stared at the organized troops. An abrupt coronation in a small bay as far South as possible in Elion was not what he'd envisioned. Alek had expected a proper, full state coronation at the castle as his father and grandfather before him. Yakov had spoken of it often. The weight of the crown felt heavier than it should when the ghost of the advisor seemed to stand there amongst his friends.

Loushka sat tall and proud beside Kerak, Rumal, and Kassie. The griffon threw her head back, uttering a sharp cry of victory, the other griffons joining her, and Sito who stood behind them all let out a bellowing roar.

A tiny touch to his hand made him close his hand around Cat's. Alek turned his head, looking down at the woman who'd saved him, allowing him to save her.

With a thickened throat he lifted her hand to his lips. 'My Queen.'