Chapter 296

HUDDLED TOGETHER ON THE SETTEE in the sitting area of the Griffon Guard quarters, Citaan, Vesbel, and Ada sat silent. At their feet Audi let out a sigh, her ears perked as she listened. The heavy blows still occurred but didn't seem to shake the building any more.

Perhaps I'm just used to it now, Citaan thought to herself, rocking Rirae who fussed quietly against her shoulder. The baby wouldn't feed, too distracted by their anxiety, and wouldn't sleep either.

Perched on Vesbel's shoulders, the jybois hummed softly, large triangular ears twitching.

Long minutes had passed since Nnelg unexpectedly vanished. Citaan couldn't imagine what he might be up to. Had he tried to attack more of those monsters? Emboldened by his kill? Had he heard something they hadn't? Breathing in through her nose and exhaling slowly, she calmed herself as much as possible. Stress made it feel as though she wore a tight headband, pressing against the back of her skull.