Chapter 303

'RASHID!' LISPED A YOUNG VOICE that brought an instant smile to the Lieutenant's face. 'Wait, wait for me!'

On his way outside, Rashid paused as young Dekan ran panting after him, fair face flushed pink. Walking briskly after him came the chambermaid, Lucia, a mother of three other tykes, whom Rashid had asked to watch the little orphan. Catching the wee boy by the back of his shirt, she bobbed her head to Rashid about to drag the protesting child off.

'Wait,' Rashid said with a smile. 'Is he fitting in well?'

'Oh yes, sir,' the woman released her hold. Dekan darted to his side, clinging to the back of his pants by the knees, hanging on tight. 'He's got along well with my three, though he hasn't slept much. I'm expecting to find him asleep in the corner sometime soon.'

'Nooo!' Dekan shouted. 'I'm not sleepy!'

Both adults chuckled and Lucia made a motion to the boy.

'Come on Dekan, let's leave the Lieutenant to his business.'