Chapter 307

THE METAL CUFFS FELT COLD, causing shivers along his limbs. In that instant a portion of his mind recognized that he dreamed, the lack of clanking from the chains giving it away, but the shadow creature baring its fangs at him caught the rest of his mind. In the dream of a memory Alek scrambled away, coming up hard against the cool marble wall. Saliva dripped from the long thin teeth. The creature hissed again, splattering its drool against the shield surrounding him, but Alek still flinched, heart racing. She liked to lift the shields. The chunk of flesh missing from his left arm the latest injury from her vomit inducing version of amusement. He had nothing left to vomit, his stomach achingly empty for ten days straight now. The lack of food, and now lack of water left his mind wandering, convinced he could hear her, his princess, crying out for him. He wavered on the edge of reality, unsure of everything. The semi-permanent darkness made him unsure of night or day.