Chapter 311

BEFORE SIAN HAD A CHANCE to respond, the man repeated the welcome, making the same open gesture. Her father wore his grey streaked, dark blond hair, long, in a neat plait that came over one shoulder. In a million years Sian could never have envisioned these two as her parents, despite the obvious familiar traits.

Stunned, Sian couldn't help the instant comparisons to her Earth family, to her mum who wore her dark blonde hair in a long bob, a style she'd always worn, to her mother standing here, with her sparse blonde hair scraped into an elaborate up-do, littered with pastel coloured ribbons.

Or her dad, with his white hair kept short to help disguise the thinning on top and his brown eyes that always seemed to laugh, to this manher birth fatherwith that long plait and light green eyes that seemed to glitter with intrigue and speculation.