Chapter 319

RUMAL LEANED AGAINST THE DOORJAMB, watching with pleasure as Kassie gasped and exclaimed over every inch of their enormous apartment. Though he'd known the new space would be larger, he hadn't realized just how much larger. Now in one of the two guest rooms Kassie examined a beautifully carved cabinet that fastened to one of the walls from floor to ceiling.

'Is it drawers?' she asked with a perplexed frown, her lips pursing as she regarded it again.

Not saying anything Rumal reached out, hooking the hand-hold at the top, and pulled back. With the slightest sound of hinges working, the two deep bunk beds opened.

'Wow!' Kassie shrieked. 'Look at that! Oh my lordee, those are gorgeous!'

He snorted in amusement, in the last hour alone he'd heard 'oh my lordee' more often than in the entire time he'd known Kass.

She scrambled into the bottom bunk, looking around it on her hands and knees, a delighted smile firm in place.

'C'mon, hop in!'