Chapter 347

THE DOUBLE THROATED SNEEPS SUNG out their warbling melodies, the last of the dawn singers, when Kassie woke. Though she'd only got to bed just before midnight each night since arriving back, she still woke early on this, the fourth day.

Lying in bed, stretched out across the mattress, Rumal already up and out, she ran through the list of things she wanted to achieve today and added to it the items she hadn't ticked off yesterday.

With a sigh she thumped her hand against the mattress, annoyed at not having more of this sorted already.

A happy 'mirrup' made her smile, as Lucky, sleeping on one of the platforms of the cat climbing frame her youngest brother had made, made her daring leap across to the bed. Tail swaying as she purred loudly, the cat lowered its head when she reached Kassie, bunting its forehead against her chin.